SteemWhales Update! Reputation and steem power withdrawal
1- You can now see who is powering down in a glance
I only saw this post today. And indeed, we need to know who is powering down, so I added this feature on steem whales, visualized by a little piggy bank icon if a user is powering down. If you put your cursor on it, it will tell you how much steem is being powered down and when.
2- Reputation is here
For those who don’t know yet, every account on steem now has a reputation. It was so very logical to add it to steem whales, as it is obviously something we want to sort by. Steem Whales displays your reputation more accurately (with 2 decimals), this way you know how far you are from the next step.
However, the value for the reputation returned by the rpc api is very weird for some users (namely 7454983988075524000). These users even show up as reputation (11) on See @aaron2k10 as an example. These users are ignored on steem whales, and will be considered as reputation 1, for now. Some people told me on that developers are aware of the problem, and it should get fixed soon, so no reason to be alarmed.
Reputation Top 20
Congratulations on @stellabelle for being the only account at 9 reputation, even though it probably won’t last very long, with active authors like @tuck-fheman very close by at 8.92.